
Jungle Conference Room, Louise Hotel Brussels

Thursday, September 5th

Organized by Indatech

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Innovative technologies in PAT for the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. How PAT enhances process control and product quality?

This event will focus on exploring the lastest advancements in PAT that are transforming the biotech and pharmaceutical industries. We will highlight and showcase real-time monitoring with spectroscopy, data analitycs, and automation.

The speakers will be

Jan Verelst 1

Jan Verelst

Global Business Development Manager Digital Quality Management

Siemens HQ Pharma, Belgium


Jan-Sebastiaan Uyttersprot

Head of Manufacturing and Powder Technology

UCB Pharma, Belgium

Eric Ziemons 1-1

Prof. Eric Ziemons


The CIRM at Université de Liège, Belgium


Dr. Fabien Chauchard

General Manager

Indatech, France


André-Marius Kapitan

Associated Director Applied Data Sciences

GSK, Belgium

Tryfon 1

Tryfon Digkas

R&D supervisor of PURNA Pharmaceuticals

PhD Researcher at Gent University, Belgium

Walter 1

Walter Broeckk

R&D Director Principal Scientist,

Process Analytical Technology & Chemometrics

Procter and Gamble, Belgium

Marine 1

Dr. Marine Guilcher

Product Manager

Indatech, France


Julien Louet

Ingénieur Application chez Indatech


Julien Louet

Ingénieur Application chez Indatech

The planning

2024-07-03_Think&Drink_Programme V2


Heures Intervenants Sujets
9h30   Café de bienvenue
10h00 Arnaud Bonet Introduction par Indatech
10h30 MabDesign La filière des biomédicaments et de la bioproduction en France
11h00   Pause café
11h30 Céline Loubière Automatisation et amélioration de la répétabilité de la production des Cellules Souches Mésenchymateuses (CSM-GW)
12h00 Igor Chourpa Optimisation et automatisation des systèmes de culture cellulaire, en USP et en DSP
12h30   Repas
14h00   Fin